hi beautiful!

I'm Savannah Schaffer ✨

Personal Life & Career Coach

Elevating you to your most abundant, vibrant self with limitless rest AND success.⚡️

Raising the standards to the woman you truly are.

Unlock Your Full Potential. Say Hello to THE NEW YOU

Dive deeper into my 1-on-1 Elevation Mentorship program

Personalized Growth Strategies: Tailored 1-on-1 coaching sessions that focus on your unique goals and challenges, helping you step into the highest version of yourself and manifest your desired life changes.

Masculine & Feminine Approaches: Special emphasis on embracing the gift of receiving while incorporating systems to thrive as an intuitive buisness owner + high performer. I help you find strength in your identity and cultivate a life of balance and fulfillment.

Mindfulness Techniques: Learn effective, practical methods to reduce stress and anxiety, enabling you to approach life's challenges with calmness and clarity, enhancing your innate abundance.

Connect with your Authentic Self: Reconnect to the version of yourself who knows her worthiness, self love, & power is undeniable and always increasing. Say goodbye to the fears, doubts, and limitations you've been too familiar with.

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Mentorship + Coaching

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Find out when I will be holding events. From speaking engagements, to coaching & masterclasses,

you can find everything right here.

6/19 Official Website Launch

Moving Tranquil Minds

August Vibrant Synergy Launch

About Me

Hi my friend!!!

As you probably already know, my name is Savannah Schaffer. I'm 22 years old, living in Las Vegas with my soul partner, Ty & beautiful babygirl, Aria!

I have been helping ambitious women around the globe step into boss business women, loving partners, conscious parents & connected souls. I'm here to guide you to connect deeper with your inner-knowing to make decisions that'll bring those dreams in your head closer to your current reality.

My mission is to help women understand that they can take control of their lives and achieve everything that they've dreamt about as a little girl.

I've been coaching women in business and their personal life for 5 years now, & most of my clients stay connected with me through their journeys long after working together.

I'm always looking to guide women just like you that are looking for passion, energy, excitement and true worthiness. You deserve to have it all.... The confidence, emotional control, creativity, abundance, love, everything. It's possible for you. Let me show you the way! If you're interested in working through these endeavours together, you can schedule a call with me using the button below :)

Love Always,

Sav 💗

About Me

Hi my friend!!!

As you probably already know, my name is Savannah Schaffer. I'm 22 years old, living in Las Vegas with my soul partner, Ty & beautiful babygirl, Aria!

I have been helping ambitious women around the globe step into boss business women, loving partners, conscious parents & connected souls. I'm here to guide you to connect deeper with your inner-knowing to make decisions that'll bring those dreams in your head closer to your current reality.

My mission is to help women understand that they can take control of their lives and achieve everything that they've dreamt about as a little girl.

I've been coaching women in business and their personal life for 5 years now, & most of my clients stay connected with me through their journeys long after working together.

I'm always looking to guide women just like you that are looking for passion, energy, excitement and true worthiness. You deserve to have it all.... The confidence, emotional control, creativity, abundance, love, everything. It's possible for you. Let me show you the way! If you're interested in working through these endeavours together, you can schedule a call with me using the button below :)

Love Always,

Sav 💗

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